Got Big Ambitions for Your Small Shop? Here are 3 Scalable Features You Need in Your POS System

Posted on: 13 July 2018

You may be starting off running a small shop, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't dream of making it big. If you aspire to grow your shop into a grand enterprise, one important thing to do is buy a point-of-sale system that scales with your growth. It can take a while to learn all the tips and tricks your POS system has to offer. Once you've found a system that works for you, you won't want to be forced to scrap it because it can't handle your growing business. Here are 3 features you'll want to look out for in a POS system.

Employee Management

You may be starting out running your shop on your own or asking family members to help out for free, but you'll need to hire employees as your shop grows. That's why employee management is one of the most important features to look for when choosing a scalable point-of-sale solution. You'll want a system that allows you to add an unlimited amount of new employees as and when you need them. The system should be able to use these employee accounts to clock your workers in and out, track their sales and give them various permissions. Ideally, a great scalable POS system will also be able to sync with salary-management and payroll software—this will save you a lot of time when your shop is big and bustling.

Support For Multiple Locations

There are two main ways you can expand a shop once it starts growing beyond its premises: you can add a second physical shop to your roster, or you can set up an online shop. A good scalable POS system will have no problems handling either (or both) of these new sales locations. On the physical-location side, look for a system that can sync multiple points of sale to one main database, allowing you to set global pricing and receive reports for all your income streams. On the online side, your POS system should be compatible with an online sales portal and have support for multiple currencies.

Customer Loyalty Programmes

As your shop grows, so will your support from customers. Once business starts booming, you may notice that the same buyers come back again and again. The best way to keep these buyers loyal to your business is to set up loyalty programmes. For example, a coffee shop may want to offer customers a free drink after every few purchases. If you want to set up a loyalty programme in the future, make sure your POS system is compatible with loyalty cards and gift cards. These are much easier to use than punch cards and paper certificates, and they're virtually scam-proof.
